Centro de Recursos Computacionais

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Essa é uma revisão anterior do documento!


To login into DCC-visitors wireless network, you'll need an account (username and password) previously created by a professor of the Department.


Windows 10

  1. Choose the DCC-visitors wireless network in your windows settings;
  2. The following message will appear on your first connection:
    Continue connecting?
    If you expect to find DCC-visitors in this location, 
    go ahead and connect. Otherwise, it may be a different
    network with the same name.
    Show certificate details
  3. Click on Connect.

Windows 7

  1. Choose the DCC-visitors wireless network in your Windows settings;
  2. Insert your username and password;
  3. The following message will appear on your first connection:
    The certificate should have the server radius name:
    and the CA Root: COMODO RSA Certification Authority
  4. Click on Connect button if everything is right.

MacOS prior to Sierra version

  1. Choose the DCC-visitors wireless network in your MAC Wi-Fi settings;
  2. Type your username and password;
  3. In Verify Certificate window, clique on Continue button;
  4. Insert the machine's admin credentials (if needed).

Linux (Ubuntu 16)

  1. Click on Network icon in the toolbar.
  2. Click on Edit Connections…
  3. Click on Add button
  4. Select Wi-Fi as a connection type
  5. Fill the fields Connection name and SSID in Wi-Fi tab:
    • Connection Name: DCC-visitors
    • SSID: DCC-visitors
  6. Fill the fields in Wi-Fi security tab:
  7. Click on Save button.



  1. Choose the DCC-visitors wireless network in your iPhone Wi-Fi settings;
  2. Insert your username and password and click on Join;
  3. In the Certificate Window, like the one below, click on Trust.

Android 7

Choose the DCC-visitors wireless network in your android Wi-Fi settings

Insert the data as showed below:

  • EAP Method: PEAP
  • Phase 2 Authentication: None
  • CA Certificate: Use system certificates
  • Domain:
  • Identity: Your user account
  • Anonymous Identity:
  • Password: Your password account

and click on Connect.

Android prior to 7 version

Choose the DCC-visitors wireless network in your android Wi-Fi settings

Insert the data as showed below:

  • EAP Method: PEAP
  • Phase 2 Authentication: None
  • CA Certificate: (unspecified)
  • Identity: Your user account
  • Anonymous Identity:
  • Password: Your password account

and click on Connect button.

servicos/conectividade/wifi/dcc-visitors/start.1564732231.txt.gz · Última modificação: 2019/08/02 07:50 por

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